Saturday, August 24, 2013

This was in Brighton Area School's Newsletter - a little good press never hurts! Design Thinking Training: Earlier this summer, BAS teachers Jeanne Blazo, Jeri Kay Thomas, Maureen Strachen, Brenda Hurley, and Lisa Wheeler, along with Hawkin's Principal Pat Meyer attended a three-day, in-depth exploration of Design Thinking. The premise of the class was rooted in the fundamental belief that educators should be designers of their own practice and not merely implementers of programs. The course was created  for teachers and administrators who are working on authentic and engaging learning experiences while meeting the demands of the required curriculum. As part of their collaborative work, site visits were made to Google Headquarters in Ann Arbor.The course participants are excited to continue exploring the Design Thinking process within their own buildings and classroom experiences. The course was offered through the Wholemindesign Studio for Teaching and Learning and was led by Katie Robertson and BAS Kindergarten teacher Diane Tamblyn.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Hello designing friends,
This looks like a fantastic opportunity - getting to spend 2 weeks at an IDEO site is very exciting.  Let us know about your experience if you are able to go.

Very cool opportunity!

Friday, August 16, 2013

We had a fabulous time with some very special educators in our first iteration of Educators as Designers.  They made us a wonderful gift at the end of class - "322" represents our collective years of experience as educators.  Can't wait for the next iteration of the class.  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Wonderful class!!!

We had an extraordinary time in our class, Educators as Designers, last week!  Thank you to all of those who made the experience so special.  We are looking forward to planning 2.0.  Watch our website for more details.